Shawn Sullentrup


Please feel free to call or email anytime with any questions, concerns or if you just want to talk.

I wanted to start a group of positive families that all had a common bond, Down syndrome, to be encouraged, inspired and to develop genuine friendships. 

My husband Buck and I have 2 daughters Alex and Courtney. Alex is 16 and Courtney is 12. Both of our daughters are beautiful, amazing, intelligent, and caring individuals. Courtney was born with a little something extra, Down syndrome. 

Everyone has a story when it comes to Down syndrome and I suspect ours is not that different from anyone else's. We did not know before Courtney's birth she had Down syndrome. We were shocked and honestly very scared and unsure of how this could "happen to us". But fast forward 12 years later and although I can tell you it has not always been the easiest and I have had my fair share of pity parties. But at the end of the day this is our normal. We are a family. Our time is divided a lot between the girls. Alex is very active in cheer, choir and other school activities and Courtney is active in social skills therapy and beginning to blossom into a social butterfly. 

So I invite you to come to a parent meeting and hang out with's very informal and we have a great time chatting with each other. It's a great way to find out about resources, maybe a few tips & tricks, and get to know some parents!
